I’m reading these articles about cities looking to find leaks and customers fearing a rise in water bills for leaks that have nothing to do with their personal water use. it comes down to this – if it’s on your side of the meter, it’s your responsibility and isolation is everything.
The city I was reading about was going up and down the street putting come type of electronic correlator on every other house, or every other property down one side of the street. What is this really going to do? A car drives by – it registers noise. You run your air conditioner – not only does it register noise, it registers it on your property! Wind blows, landscapers run lawn mowers – miles of pipe with expensive devices sending back every butterfly wing flap and it all means nothing.

Your responsibility is what happens on your property, and a proper leak detection is going to answer any suspect questions about water use – regardless of what the city has to say.
Shut off all the devices in your house. Don’t flush a toilet, don’t run a sink, shut off the laundry. Go outside and look at the meter box where water enters your property – is the little red dial spinning? If it isn’t, go back inside and enjoy a nice cold glass of water or take a shower. If it is, call for a leak detection.
When water is moving through devices, or potential leaks on your property, it’s pulling through that meter. If you have everything shut off and still see water moving through, it’s likely that water is leaking under a slab, or beneath the dirt, or goodness forbid, running down the inside of a wall where you simply can’t see it. Call for a leak detection. If the meter is spinning, it is costing you money!
So regardless of these correlators, isolation is everything. Isolate your properties water use from the city’s leaks. Their leaks, their problem. A leak detection technician can provide a non-invasive leak detection that accurately identifies all leaks on your property, inside and outside of the house – when they use LeakTronics Plumbers Leak Detection Kit.
By shutting the house to the meter, a technician can see if the water loss is happening before it enters the house. If not, they open the vale and listen for leaks throughout the whole house – including everything outside the house. Where a pipe stubs up, runs under grass, dirt or concrete, through irrigation – even at the pool, they can find it.
Once you find that leak, and it might take just a couple of hours to check everything, you’ll know what to repair and can stop that little red dial from spinning on the meter. If after your repair the meter stops, rest assured that you’ve got it covered and the city can look elsewhere for water waters.
As a homeowner or property owner, you can find professional leak detection technicians using non-invasive gear and methods.
As a plumber or service technician, you can get equipped with LeakTronics and even trained online on how to do the job and get paid for your work by calling 818-436-2953 today or visit the link above.