Lubbock, Texas plumber Joe Rushing has no qualms with taking more than 600 new service calls a year. As a plumber, making repairs for customers is a full time job, but waiting on leak detection companies to locate leaks can hold back getting to the repairs, and for Joe Rushing Plumbing and their customers, that’s unacceptable. To get jobs done fast, Joe Rushing opted to get a Plumbers Kit, train in performing leak detections and he’s keeping the work in-house.
“I started with the Plumbers Kit and learning how it work,” Joe shares. “I was working almost immediately. Getting the leak detection done allowed us to get the repairs done too, and that’s good for the customer.”
Joe shared that he’s got an American Leak Detection franchise owner just down the street from him and he says, “His truck is always in the driveway. I don’t get it. I have more work that I can handle by myself.”
The result of working hard and providing great customer service led to Joe Rushing having to create an entirely new company, just to perform leak detections. This meant hiring and training new employees and completely benefitting the Lubbock community. Joe created jobs and has been consistently providing water saving services for residents throughout the region.
Joe started with the Plumbers Kit and added on the tools to listen for leaks in swimming pools. With the LT-1000 already in his Plumbers Kit, he can now simply plug in a PoolScope and a Pipe Mic and perform leak detections on swimming pools.
Joe’s gone one step beyond. As an airplane pilot, one of his joys is flying. He’s coupled his love of flying with his passion for leak detection.
“Last week we flew to New Mexico two times to perform leak detections and make plumbing repairs,” he says. “I fly to New Mexico in 40 minutes on my plane with a fellow service technician and we do the job that day. ALD charges customers $1500 just for the service call, then they add an hourly rate to do the job. I can fly in, perform the leak detection and come in $500 under the cost of just their arrival on the job. We’re doing this regularly in New Mexico now.”

Joe Rushing Plumbing has done what we tell trainees all the time, and it’s possible that anyone can do it. Learn how to perform leak detections with LeakTronics Online Training Platform and get the equipment in your hands. You can be performing your first leak detection in as little as a week, and the work is there if you want it. Everyone in your immediate community is going to suffer from a pool or plumbing leak and they are going to call a service provider to find the leak and get repairs done. You don’t have to fly a state over to get work, it is literally outside your front door.
Joe also explained that he had to start a new company just to handle the leak detection work. This included new service vans, new employees and a new stream of steady income that just keeps growing.
“We started this with high hopes and it just kept growing,” Joe shares. “We’re performing more than 600 leak detections during the year and then we make repairs too. We service our customers, and other plumbing companies call us to find leaks so they can make repairs too.”
Hands down, Joe Rushing proves that when you want to work, you can own a successful leak detection business and work will find you. When you’re ready to step up your game and become the go-to service pro in your community for leak detections, visit and learn what it’s all about. LeakTronics provides a complete online training package that includes the equipment necessary to get the job done right and get paid.
Want to learn more today? Call 818-436-2953 and talk with a representative at LeakTronics about your goals. We’ll be happy to help you build a career that will grow as big as you want it to get and keep you working in Leak Detection.