It’s getting Hot Hot Hot! At least, that’s what the pipes are saying. When they mix concrete for pouring new spa and pool shells, they add accelerants that simply make the concrete hot. When you’ve got entombed pipes in those shells, the end result of pouring hot concrete over plastic pipes is wilted, melted and severely damaged pipes.

It’s not heavily recommended to entomb pipes at all, but there are times it simply has to be done. Remember, that concrete gets violently hot. You’re going to need to keep the pipes cooler when pouring that concrete, and we do it by keeping water flowing through the pipes as it’s being poured. We see this in new construction often, when the spa or pool is finished and they have to dice it up to replace pipes.
Check out this video where we got to a spa in Malibu that had to be torn out and pipes had to be replaced. The deformed, warped and shrunken PVC was the result of hot concrete.