When they happen, leaks like to show themselves in places you don’t expect. Pressure causes what’s inside the pipes to move away from the pipes, and ultimately, air rises and water drops. This means that a lot of the time you’re going to see the effects of a leak in places you didn’t expect. Check out this video where this proud leak wanted to be seen at the stairs, under the coping and everywhere else it could present itself.
As you see in the video, we used the Pressure Rig in your Pro Complete Kit to add pressure with both air and water in the line. That pressure pushed out of the leak and caused the noises and the visual displays of water we see in the video.
We were able to hear the leak under the concrete using our Deck Plate, also in the Pro Complete Kit, but it was pretty amazing to see the water working it’s way out from feet away the actual leak itself.

Performing a proper and thorough leak detection takes a combination of having the right equipment and the right knowledge to do the job. LeakTronics provides both the gear and the training to get the job done fast and to get paid.
Learn more about training and how to discover when leaks like to show themselves, and more-ver, where to find them when they don’t. LeakTronics complete swimming pool leak detection training program includes the Pro Complete Swimming Pool leak Detection Kit and hours of informative video content to teach you more than just how the equipment works, but how to get on the job, do it right and get paid.
See LeakTronics online training and certification program here and launch your leak detection services today. Call 818-436-2953 for more information.