It’s almost countless, the times we’ve heard leak detection technicians talk about that black box sitting on a shelf in the corner of their garage. They’re referring to the Fisher equipment they purchased with their Anderson Manufacturing leak detection kit. It’s sitting there unused, for years, because it is simply not effective for the swimming pool industry. The inefficient capabilities it offers with its outdated and limited technology makes it a paperweight at best. This equipment was designed for the plumbing not the swimming pool industry. It’s a pretty expensive paperweight.

In this article, we’re going to take a general comparison of LeakTronics equipment, training and customer service vs. what Anderson, the seller of the black box, provides for their customers.

- Manufactured and engineered entirely in house, by LeakTronics in the USA with patented technologies
- Manufactures complete kits for all aspects of professional leak detection, including Swimming Pools, Plumbing, Irrigation, Line Detection and Structural Crack Repair.
- Creates and innovates new technology for finding leaks in modern pool environments.
- Complete kit includes multiple hydrophones, a pressure rig and sub-surface listening equipment that work together seamlessly
- Manufactures the patented Torque Lock Structural Staple for Pool Crack Repair

- Makes rubber plugs in house and a plastic float that tells you your pool is losing water – but not where or how
- Sells Fisher Plumbing Equipment to Pool Guys
- Fisher equipment is manufactured in Mexico – Anderson does not manufacture Fisher Equipment
- Leak detection kit offers only sub-surface listening equipment made by Fisher
- Re-sells carbon fiber staples and epoxy products that should not be used in the swimming Pool industry
- Fisher equipment could simply be purchased directly from the manufacturer or another re-distributor here: or here:
Leak Professional Network:
- LeakTronics provides a professional network for all of their equipment users
Leak Professional Network:
- Anderson doesn’t publish a network
- 100% Repair Warranty with a simple phone call or online service request form
- Repaired in-house, by LeakTronics
- Same Day Turnaround On Repairs
- Anderson doesn’t manufacture the Fisher equipment they sell
- Repairs would probably be made by the manufacturer
- Would most likely involve Anderson having to ship the product to the manufacturer for repair which could lead to extended down times
Customer Service:
- All employees at LeakTronics are trained in Professional Leak Detection
- Can walk equipment users through an entire leak detection on the phone.
- Offers Bi-Lingual Assistance Spanish/English
Customer Service:
- Anderson employees aren’t trained to perform on actual jobs.
Hands on Training:
- Uses a full residential swimming pool for training – students perform a real leak detection on a real pool
- Physical walkthrough using all equipment in a real world atmosphere
- One to One training with the company founder and the inventor of the equipment
- Complete training includes the Pro Complete Leak Detection Kit – the equipment students are trained on
Hands on Training:
- Anderson students train in a classroom.
- Students use barrels, table top models and placed pipes to find leaks.
Online Training and Certification:
- LeakTronics offers a complete online training course and certification
- Hours of in-depth video content that instructs with the most modern methods of using professional equipment to find all leaks in the pool environment
- Includes case studies of actual leak detection jobs
- Includes paperwork downloads for running a successful business
- Includes a complete leak detection kit with all the equipment explained in the training course
- Includes free ongoing customer service assistance to help run a successful business
- Includes an in-depth repair series for turning the leak detections into repairs and how to do them properly
Online Training:
- Does not offer remote training
- Has some videos on their website that show them using Fisher plumbing equipment on a swimming pool
- LeakTronics offers same day shipping on new orders
- Offers expedited shipping
- Ships internationally
- Has several payment methods
- We don’t know how Anderson acquires his plumbing equipment from Fisher, but Anderson isn’t Fisher. Fisher equipment is manufactured by Fisher at a plant in Mexico and Anderson buys it and re-sells it to pool guys.
Equipment designed for the industry:
- LeakTronics has patents on solutions professionals need.
- Includes equipment designed specifically to listen for leaks in the pool without diving in the pool
- Accurately identifies the precise location of leaks in the pool shell, underground, behind pool walls, in pipes and plumbing and in fittings, skimmers, drains, cold joints and more.
- LeakTronics has patented equipment for structural crack repair
- LeakTronics created the patented F.L.A.S.H. technology for precision leak detection inside pipes and plumbing
- LeakTronics offers cameras with F.L.A.S.H. Technology and camera heads that go where other equipment can’t go, including 1+1/2 inch pipes.
- LeakTronics has a Research and Development Team that is consistently devising new equipment to solve new situations professionals face on modern pool equipment.
Equipment designed for the industry:
- Anderson re-sells Fisher equipment. You can buy it directly from the manufacturer here:
- or here:
What it comes down to for the professional is that LeakTronics offers career solutions that get the job done right. Equipment is designed specifically for the industry it is applied to and is manufactured and warranted by LeakTronics. LeakTronics offers complete training including the knowledge of how to operate a business and includes the customer service end users need to be successful.
Unlike other retailers who re-brand and re-sell equipment made by another company – LeakTronics is a company created by professionals in the swimming pool industry. With more than 30 years of practical experience behind every product, the equipment, training and methods of use to get the work done are simply the right way to do the job.
Make comparisons based on the information above and remember that black box sitting in the corner of the garage. Acquiring equipment that doesn’t do the job is an expense that doesn’t need to be made. Call LeakTronics and tell us about the work you do and let us get you the equipment that keeps you working and getting paid.
Call 818-436-2953 or email today.