The HHVP 1.5 Sonde Camera Head
Take leak detection to the next level with the Hand Held Video Pro 1.5 Sonde Camera Head. Take turns at 90 degree angles and see inside smaller diameter pipes and plumbing. Find the leak and use the 512 hz. Locator to locate the precise location of the camera head is underground. Don’t dig or break concrete to follow pipes and find leaks. Know the exact location of the leak you’re looking at and make accurate repairs.
The sonde head requires the 512 hz. Locator to locate the sonde head.
- REQUIRES the 512 hz. Locator
- Simply attaches to the HHVP 1.5 Camera
- Takes 90 degree elbows in 1-1/2 inch diameter pipes
- Locate exactly where leaks occur in buried pipes
- Includes a two year Limited Warranty.