Get to know the face of the LT-1000 Amplifier. It’s ease of use makes it the go-to amplifier for leak detection professionals in the Pool, Plumbing and Irrigation industries, and for good reason.
The LT-1000 features both a visual meter, as some professionals do use a meter to detect sound levels, and simplified audio controls that capture all of the potential of the listening equipment that is plugged into the amplifier. With just 2-AA batteries, the LT-1000 delivers the most sensitive, powerful and clearly distinct audio of any amplifier in the field with LeakTronics proprietary phantom power technology built inside.

It’s always advised that you review the manual for the LT-1000 before use to answer any questions on the best methods of leak detection, but in brief, the face of the LT-1000 works in a two-fold. Begin by identifying the power light. This yellow LED will be lit when the power switch is turned on. Upon switching the unit on, the meter needle will rise to “100” and drop back down to “0”. This tells the user that the device is operational and ready for use.
To the left of the power light is a switch and a knob. The switch is titled Sensitivity and the knob says Meter Null. These two controls have nothing to do with the sound you hear in your headphones. The meter null will allow you to set the level of your starting point on the meter and the sensitivity switch does just what it says, it either enhances or reduces the level of sensitivity in how the meter reacts to changes in audio levels. If you are seeing high amounts of unsteady movement, this could be a reaction to ambient noise in the surrounding area. perhaps a running air conditioner nearby. make an effort to see how the device reacts when adjusting this knob and switch while it’s in your hand. This will best advise you on how to use it for getting the desired results from the meter itself while you perform your job.
To the right of the power light users will see the Power Switch itself, a Filter Switch, a Mute Switch and a Volume Control Knob. These simplified controls do much more in conjunction with the technology in the amplifier and the connected devices than the user can see. They are deliberatly designed so the user has less to operate while getting the best results during the listening process.
The Filter Switch is recommended to be n the “On” or “Up” position when you begin listening. it is possible, at times, that the device can receive AM radio frequency transmissions due to it’s high sensitivity. during these times, turn the Filter Switch down, into the off position. other than those times, it’s recommended to keep the Filter Switch on to maintain the best environment for hearing leak sounds.
The Mute Switch is a direct audio cut-off that helps to protect your ears from sudden bursts of sound due to movement of the listening device between locations. When moving a hydrophone through a pool or spa, it has the potential to bump into the side of the pool. Protect your ears, you’ll hear it every time it makes contact with the wall and you don’t want a big bang in your headphones. Employ the reduction or cut-off of the sound while moving from one location to the next.
The volume control will allow you to increase or decrease the volume in the headphones while listening. As an alternative to the mute switch, some users wind the sound down while moving from one location tot he next, and wind it back up when they intend to listen. This is based on user preference, and the volume control will become familiar with you as you use the device.
The manual for the LT-1000 is found with all device manuals on LeakTronics website and can be downloaded here: MANUALS
For any questions, call 818-436-2953.